Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Willie Nelson on Cassette?

So, I crawled out of bed around 9:30 this A.M. (I really am trying to get up before 8am, believe me I am trying - but I get caught up in homework and watching Bravo at all late hours of the night it's really killing my internal alarm clock). I set out the door for the K-Town Flea. I drove and drove and drove - the clouds offered up some cool breeze, but my thin-thin sweater didn't suffice the nips Jack Frost had scathing my skin--So, I hear the cold front came from none other than my former home -Flagstaff. SLAP- SLAP - across the face - I can't dwell on the easy lifestyle of city life - I am a self proclaimed Rez Girl with the need to get in my car every Wed and shop like my quarters were made of real silver. I am just cheap that way. Like I previously said I am cheap to an extent, but I do have some decency and demure to hold up my character.  Anywho, I go to the Flea to get out of the house, there's no-one here during the day and usually I'm the only one here, so don't judge when I say my doc has ordered I go see a mental health therapist 2x's a month, I tried telling him, I only talk to myself for entertainment purposes only - he didn't let that excuse fly - he said I just need someone else to talk to other than to my video camera..hahaha. Valium ain't got nothing on me, baby!! Let's get back to this day trip shall we. -- ooh, here's some pics I took on the way..Excuse my dirty windows, but you get the point..

My uncle lives here on the left..I never had the chance to see my cheii, my mama says my yazh looks like my cheii. Next are pictures of a place called Baby Rocks. I think this place is pretty self explanatory

Can you see the humble philosopher? My favorite rock formation

Chilchinbeto, is the birthplace of my mom, and of course the roots of who I am are planted here.

Now, without further adue..let's get this show on the road.
I'll start off with my intro to K-TOWN - aka me the tourist guide..

(If you are having problems loading up the vid, click watch on youtube in the downbar)
Upon arrival, I see two of the women I hold dear to my heart. My sister on the Left and my Auntie on the Right.

The Typical Food Stand found here, achii and mutton cooking on the grill.

(If you are having problems loading up the vid, click watch on youtube in the downbar)
On the way home - I had to take a pic of some awesome graffiti on a windmill. 

The Stuff I bought.
The glass bowls are for my earrings and change. The fruits are a necessity, the bowls are for thanksgiving, the toy was needed for entertainment for baby #4, the sand paintings are for home decor, the popcorn MM tin will be used to hold mini bags of microwavable popcorn, and lastly Willie and Jewel on cassette. I bought a few other things, but their x-mas gifts.. Whew