Monday, November 14, 2011

PAST 90mph

I must say that I absolutely love, love, love, love DANZIG, it's the soundtrack of my youth.  I really should be grown up by now but nope I'm the person that pulls every stinking white hair out from my scalp, who cares if there are patches of baldness on my pretty little head, at least you wont see no gray.. hahahaha. Can you see me literally laughing like some kind of lame ass idiot? I miss being careless and wreck-less, there are so many limitations that come with being a parent. I feel I must buy some insane ugly Holiday sweater to kick off the holiday season, Turkey sweater, anyone?  Sorry, but I'm not a lame ass idiot nor am I some chick who gives in and sells my wild soul to the devil in trade for some kind of suburban mommy persona..ummm ewwww. I live in t-shirts, levis and my combat boots when I'm not at work.  I have enough decency to switch out the boots for a decent pair of black ballet flats for my 8-3:30 gig.  Now, on to my story - work conjured up some rather interesting overheard type of news -I found out my kid, the football jock has girl admirers who swoon over him- enough for him to be the topic for a group of girls today, little did they know he was my kid. Poor Girls, I so wouldn't let you come close to my kid!. Sorry, now get to steppin. Lastly, my daughter who just turned 17 this past weekend will be graduating from high school in May 2012 - she has no desire to amuse herself with the constant bickering, gossip, boys, that make a high school a high school, I suppose she's better than that. So, she's finishing a year early, were off to NYC in May - because that's what mama promised her.  Dear Big Apple, we will be there in May !!