The as per-usual - as usual - and how they are so very usual - are the Flea Markets here on the Rez. Here you can get things from socks - box of tampons/pads - tissue- cheesecake- frybread -movies -herbs-clothes -shoes- etc for pennies on the dollar (not really more like 3bucks and up).. oooh, TODAY WAS A BIT DIFFERENT- Two different vendors selling usual items, interesting a makeup case (check), a paper shredder (check) WAIT for it -lo and behold I have never ever - ever- ever - ever- ever come across a pile of used thongs and granny panties on two different vendor tables (ummmm, ewww). Okay, let's stop right there, who in their right mind would sell their used unders? Sheesh, c'mon now. There is such a thing as BULK at Walmart, for heavens sake. The vendor(s) quickly threw an article of clothing over the stained pieces of string and elastic upon my look of disgust. Back to the story. I went to the Flea today to just peruse the isle's and see what I could get. [LOL - like the way I just totally switched the storyline?] So shall we take a looksie.
Okay, the glass bowl on the foam square cut out is for my 6 year old baby - Goldfish. Were in the need of getting some good chi in this house. Next, one cob of steam corn..hahaha that was my snack. 2 kneel down bread bought from my cousin, she makes them just the way I like it crispy on the outside- chewy on the inside, next 3 green chili - hmmm, I really don't know what to do with that. Next, the ziploc bag of hominy corn - mmmmm,, Hominy- mutton stew, but that is being used for thanksgiving. Next, a small jewerly drawstring bag, purrdy. A crochet lap blanket, I have a tendency to fall asleep on the couch. 2 rolls of fabric - I have an idea of what to use them for, but I'll hoard them for awhile, lets see strawberry shortcake - not for me - peaches for snacks - no chips in this household and last cake pans for christmas - they were only 50 cents for four so I had to take advantage. It was a fun day - I enjoy the K-town Flea - I get to see my relatives at every turn. Then I cruise home with a huge smile on my face because I know that they love do I know? They hug me for a really long time and say "noo'ane shi yazhi".. Now back to the regular scheduled program - Humanities Reaction Paper #1.