Tuesday, October 04, 2011


My house is a mess, my boys smell like tadpoles, my daughter made dinner and accidentally spilled it on the floor, we ran out of ramen - plain rice at 10pm. hopefully after the kids get bathed and we all eat. we Can sleep. lots to do in the AM..and cleaning my house isn't one of them.

We moved into a two story 3 bedroom apt, with all the fancy accommodations of things that we simple rez folk weren't use to like running water or electricity or wait for it Indoor Plumbing.  We were like cave-people discovering fire for the first time.  Once we got into the groove of things. Not much has changed. 
My house is messier than it ever was before, forget about running water - the boys still refuse to take a shower - let alone they come home reeking of a sweaty locker room, my daughter has not yet learned the concept of cooking a meal that doesn't have the Just add Water label stamped across it. As for cleaning the house, dude, that's why I gave birth to a slew of my own slaves - aka- kids.  Fancier term for jobs that I refuse to do is chores..hahaha. Sucker.  
Truth is, I'm not afraid to open the door and let my guests peruse my apt, it's clean, and there's beef stew in the crockpot.. 
I guess the kids haven't changed, but I certainly have. 
P.S. But, in all fairness I do miss sitting out in the open -in the portal of thoughts commonly known as the outie.