Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I should be the leading actress.

You know how Insomnia can make you do some really funky sh*t or make your mind wander like you’re in some kind of  psychedelic movie tailored just for you, Alfred Hitchcock got pretty imaginative  directing this one. Hmmm, story line? Lets see where we end up? Leading stars?  It is only befitting to have me as the lead actress, of course when dreaming in a lucid idling of insomnia I should be the lead actress- who else well play me better than me, right?

Let’s get on with the show shall we. Well its been exactly 37 minutes since Kate and her 8 said “goodbye” to their show and waved goodbye to their fans. Don’t Judge, I watched the hour show finale – I know – I know!! How did I even manage to get sucked into wasting one precious hour of my time? Let me tell you - I couldn’t help it – I tried and tried to change the channel but, sorry it wasn’t going to happen- instead I listened contently while also watching her try to explain what happened with her and Jon. Her expected televised expression “Divorce is hard, Separation is Hard, Knowing it’s over is hard”.

I never really got who Kate Gosselin was until this evening, sitting before me was a woman like myself dealing with life in her own way.  Interesting enough it didn't matter - my way – her way – there’s no difference, it’s the way we cope with problems that is different. The problems of life are one in the same – if we dare take that challenge to dissect the heck out of it- we are bound to find fragile emotional beings doing the best they can with the hand they are given – almost seems like a game of Blackjack – maybe a game of roulette would be a better analogy – depends on the circumstances maybe. For sure I wouldn’t want to place all my bets on a game of chance – seems a little dodgy to place everything on one hand of luck. 

Is there such a thing as luck or sheer happenstance? Fluke of life? Hmmm, makes for an interesting conversation with peers, maybe this could my sociology discussion post.  Getting back to Kate . 

There are many things that Kate gets scrutinized for but she does have a point that establishes a saving grace moment –she say’s 
"On a good day, I feel relief. On a bad day, I feel failure” 

Finally yawning.
2:26 a.m.