Saturday, August 06, 2011

Grandpa had NOS in his truck

Been Caught Stealing – when I was they say? What was the item? They say it was a can of spam..hahaha LOL – j/k  - that was an answer for combustible bellyaching grins.. I took candy, it wasn’t just plain ole boring candy, it’s the kind that shoots fireworks in your mouth – rock candy. Want a story? Ok, well only because you want me tell you, in any other case this would remain in the vault of my own chamber of secrets, sidenote “”why do men always think women have secrets”” sheesh leave that for another post - we dont' want to get into that right now. Getting back to my story. Well I was 11 years old, see. My grandpa had this sweet blue ford truck, he was like 80 something years old, and cruised like his truck had  NOS  and maybe he was the grandfather of “paul walker” because he was just that handsome, well he took us to the store everyday, it seemed like it, maybe it was like 3 times a week, anywho he spoiled us rotten. Well, on one specific trip to Mexican Water, I grabbed  and grandpa paid for a pack of rock candy gum ( at this point I outgrew sticky hands) I  ran back to the truck – with so much excitement- I ripped the package open and poured half the contents in my mouth, oooohh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about SNAP – CRACKLE- AND POP”. My grandmother who was like in her late 70’s is sitting on the side of me, watching and  suddenly with a rush of her own curiosity and adrenaline - she grabs this candy pack out of my hand , and puts the rest in her mouth 

my grandfather watched her with sheer amazement - maybe it reminded him of why he hooked up with her when she was 14 - she was a curious one - always willing to try new things - she was the girl who was the shiznit - we both watched, grandpa and I- nothing short of mere seconds- came an expression of sheer delight  from this face of an angel…She was addicted, hook, line and sink. 
Rock Candy and NOS, who knew?