Thursday, August 04, 2011

A year OLD. who cares - really?

I was in my storage shed to get a peace of mind - my place to get away and think.I noticed my plastic storage bins..marked on the front with permanent maker identifying what the contents were - towels/sheets, holiday, books, clothes, shoes, comes my a deep Navajo REZ woman..I NEED STIMULATION TO KEEP ME FROM GOING INSANE - the occasional herd of sheep crossing the road- baaahing their way to the next dried out pasture isn't cutting it..then it hit me-- I immediately thought man wouldn't it be fun to have storage bins that contained certain memories like..EX's, Childhood Haters, CRUNK, Mistakes, etc--you know the kind of memories that you could open and immediately be transported back to that specific time and have the chance to relive or fix..say for example in the EX's box I would go back to that guy that dissed me  and slap him, kick him, and then tell him he's going to be overweight and bald when he's 37 (LOL)..moving on to Childhood Haters..I would go back to the time when I was dissed and dismissed from the so called CLIQUE girls in JR high...I would laugh at them and say your going to end up barefoot and pregnant before graduating from High School..then off to open my CRUNK bin..I may decide to relive every memory for laughs and bellyaches, then on to mistakes...How many times has this thought entered in your mind if you could would you go back and fix or let it be? ..I would test karma and see if pandoras box opens just for thrilling's just to escape the perusual happenings of the usual day I would escape into my shed and pick a bin...Funny but if I click my slippers together and repeat some silly chant maybe one day in my make believe world I would go in my shed and open that one bin that sends me on my way..Hmmm, I need to think of a chant and what kind of slippers I need to wear...