Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who's going to know it's not Converse?

Four kids and mucho money later - invested in school clothes, THOUGHT- why don’t we throw some Christmas decorations and gifts in our carts while we are compiling the usual needs of back to school underwear, socks, notebook paper, and elmers glue into our carts.  Because, the only thing that ranks up there with back to school shopping is Christmas minus the usual presentation of shiny gift wrap and bows. However, the downfall is back to school shopping doesn't  supply parents with a much needed survival kit to survive the overdrawn bank accounts and complaining teens, like the way sugar plums, gingerbread men, and candy canes dance in our heads during Christmas- Of course there is no sugar coated medicated regime for parents at this time – we suffer – and suffer some more –. I think Will Smith should have really been singing "KIDS DONT UNDERSTAND"  I dread this time of year – all the stores running out of the very simplest necessity a first grader needs – crayons and glue  - a thought comes to mind while fighting an anxiety attack – hmmm, rubber cement- fumes- happy? C’mon, like I would really do it.   
Let’s take it back a notch and reflect on my experience of going back to school – grade third.   
Excitement, Excitement and more Excitement – for an 8 year old – I couldn’t wait to get that new box of 64 count crayons, 12 inch wooden ruler, folders with Strawberry Shortcake, #2 pencils, and a new bag. Now, this is where it all goes downhill. I was a third grade runaway. My teacher, Ms. Clement was a horrid haggier looking old lady. She was MEAN!! I’m finally able to talk about my experience, after many nights crying into my pillow about the way she use to make me cry, lol, Really?  She used my ruler to whip my palms, gave my crayons to a child less fortunate, and said Strawberry Shortcake wasn’t real. WHAT? She was to -real, lady. So, I became a runner, every opportunity I had I would run away from school – if I needed to use the restroom – I was out the door-  the doors didn’t have time to make the usual loud creaks and cranks to make my escape noticeable – I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, which was about 100 feet away to my house- (hey, I probably wouldn’t have ran, if I didn’t live that close to the school). The teacher and school principal eventually got the police involved, so every afternoon between the hours of 11-1pm I was escorted back to the school by Officer Tsosie and my mom. I know right, my own mama ratting me out to the cops. This is when my life of crime began. LOL.  So, every year after that I was usually the last one up when it was time to go to Gallup or Farmington , and of course back to school shopping now had a bad experience attached to it. But, some odd years later –here are my four SPOILED kids – without any bad back to school experiences- sucking every penny out of me to get name brand clothing, shoes, bags – sheesh,  like I said Christmas except there is no shiny gift wrap and stockings hung on the chimney with care–“Do you really need highlighters in every color, what are you planning on highlighting anyway” and the kid is only in 6th grade.  “Do you really need 3 Areopostale pullovers?  OOHH, and the shoes – SHEESH, kids and shoes is a whole new story. You can no longer entice them with shoes that have their favorite cartoon character on the side – Blues Clues, Dora, Spiderman- those characters  no longer exist in their world – and just think you use to dread going to that isle in the shoe store- that was nothing. We are now talking about shoes that could have its own zip code.  Boots, Tennis Shoes, Sports Shoes, Dress Shoes, Casual Shoes – I once mentioned “hey, I can get you two pairs of shoes for 30 bucks it looks like converse, vans, etc – my kids looked at me in unison with the look of “what the”  (we were at the flea market).  I sometimes imagine what it would be like to be them with a mom like me, naaah, slapping myself back to reality.  Suckers.